Eat According To The Seasons!
Posted by GO NATIVE

The summer of 2021 brings with it the light whiff of mangoes along with the warm breeze, as we bid adieu to the winter delights of 2020.
Go Native's philosophy is based on the Farm-to-table concept, which is not merely about switching to organic food, but also, being aware of what you’re consuming. Not just what’s on your plate - but also, from where the ingredients are being sourced from, and whether they are grown sustainably.
At its heart, Go Native's ethos revolves around the food on the table, that came directly from an organic farm (Back2Basics and Grameena Angadi), without going through any store/supermarket chain, along the way.
In its purest and most honest form, it emphasises a direct relationship between the farm and Go Native.
Eating local and eating in season, is as important as eating organic. Each season offers an array of beautiful fresh produce, which makes it a great time to start experimenting, trying new recipes and re-working those old ones to incorporate more seasonal fruits and vegetables.
What are the benefits of seasonal produce?
- Off-season vegetables and fruits have to travel much longer as compared to seasonal ones, to reach the farmer markets. This leads to higher amounts of wax coatings, preservatives and carbon emissions.
- Research has proved that the nutritional value of food reduces with increasing time since the day it was produced.
- Off-season food also tend to be refrigerated for longer, and thereby, loses out on its flavour & freshness.
- Apart from nutritional benefits, seasonal food that is locally sourced, also supports small scale farmers, as he/she does not have to spend out of their own pocket on transportation & storage.
All in all, eating local and seasonal helps reduce carbon footprint and supports a geographically sustainable food economy.
Eating seasonal is all about the importance of making decisions that are better for you, your earth and your health.