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Shipping Charges, Processing Fee, Returns & Refunds:

How are shipping charges calculated?

Shipping charges are calculated based on various factors including the product's size, volume, packaging, and the destination of the shipment. You will see the final shipping and handling charges at the time of checkout after providing your shipping address.

What do the shipping and processing charges cover?

These charges are intended to compensate Go Native for processing your order, handling and packing the products, and delivering them to you.

Can I get a refund on shipping charges if I return an item?

No, shipping charges are non-refundable unless the item you received is damaged or has a manufacturing defect.

How do I report a defect in a product I received?

You must communicate any defects or damage to Go Native within 48 hours of receiving the item. Contact or call +91 98456 84349 or +91 93432 12211 for assistance.

Can I exchange or return a product if it has minor variations in design or color?

No, products with minor design and color variations due to hand loom production are not eligible for exchange or refund.

Is there a specific address I should ship returns to?

Yes, please ship returns to the following address: Go Native 29, 14th Main Road, Opposite BDA Complex, HSR, Bangalore Contact: +91 98456 84349

What if I want to exchange a product for a higher-value item?

You can exchange for a higher-value item, but you will need to pay the difference in price.

Can I return or exchange an item purchased online at a retail store or vice versa?

No, online purchases cannot be returned or exchanged at retail stores, and retail store purchases cannot be returned through the online store.

When will I receive a refund or exchange after returning an item?

Refunds and exchanges will be processed after Go Native receives the returned shipment, except in the case of packages lost in transit. For any queries, you can contact us at or +91 89519 27306

Non-Availability on Delivery FAQs:

What should I do if I'm not available to receive my package?

Our delivery partners will attempt to deliver the package three times. Ensure you provide a complete and accurate shipping address, including a mobile number, to help with delivery.

Modes of Payment FAQs:

What payment methods are accepted for shipping within India?

We accept all major debit and credit cards, including Mastercard, Visa, and American Express, as well as Net Banking options across major banks.

What payment methods are accepted for international transactions?

For international transactions, we accept major Credit Cards (including Mastercard, Visa, and American Express) and provide the option to pay using Razorpay as our third-party payment gateway.

General FAQs:

What happens in case of a dispute regarding a purchase?

In case of a dispute, the terms and conditions applicable as per the Karnataka Government will be followed, and the case will be heard in a Bangalore court.
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WHE Grey Line Repurposed Fabric and Wood Semi Circle Stud Earrings

₹ 499.00